I Cannot Imagine The Anguish-Christ's Death from God's Eyes

I could only  imagine what it was like for you to watch your son die before I had my child.  Now that I do have a beautiful baby girl I can't imagine the anguish it caused you.

In eternity past you fellowshiped with him.  He was beside you when you created the world and he held all things together.  You watched his face as you told him what needed to be done on earth and that he was the one that would have to suffer in shame.  You adoringly looked on as Mary-who was made pregnant by the Holy Spirit-grew carrying your precious son in her belly, your eyes filled with tears of joy as he was born and placed in swaddling clothes in a manger.  You looked on with pride as he taught the religious leaders in the temple at age 12.  And marveled at the man he had become when he fed the 5,000 and brought a dead girl back to life.  Your heart broke as he pleaded and begged with tears of blood that you might take the cup from him.

You held back your mighty hands when he was beaten and bruised beyond recognition.  Tears streamed down your face as each nail was driven into his skin.  You had to turn your back when the cross was raise and finally when his last breath was taken.  In your grief you made the sky turn black.  You stoically waited the three days that you required before you could raise your mighty precious son to life.

As much love as you had for your son, deep in your heart lay another love that was pure and holy.  Every time you thought of it, you felt deep sorrow.  You had other children that were so far away from you.  So filled with hate and contempt.  You knew you had to bring them home.  The only way to do this was for there to be a perfect sacrifice-and you knew that sacrifice was Christ.

"Very rarely with anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man some might dare to die.  But God demonstrates his own love for us in this, while we were still sinners Christ died for us."  Romans 5:7-8

"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God."  2 Corinthians 5:21

In his death you brought home me.  A sinner.  And even still...I cannot imagine.


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