Tastes Like Chicken Breaded Pork Chops

If you are like me, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to come up with a dinner plan this time of the year.  In Louisville, it is usually too warm to actually get into your soup/chili crock pot routine and you have already wore out your favorite summer time recipes.  If you are like me, you are craving something new and easy.  

Two weeks ago I picked up a package of boneless, thin sliced pork chops from Wal-mart that was marked reduced price.  I'm not going to lie, I buy all meat, if I can, on reduced price or manager's special.  Before you turn your nose up at this, think about it.  The date on the package is usually for the next day or the day after.  If you don't use it by the date on the package, throw it in the freezer to be used at a later time.  When your husband is 6 foot 5 inches tall you have to be frugal about the meat you buy, because my man eats a lot of meat (although I'm not sure where he puts it)! 

One of my favorite recipes to make out of pork chops is a breaded and lightly fried chop.  I have made this recipe quite a bit and in my own opinion I have become quite the expert.  It is heavy enough to fill you up on an October evening, yet light enough that if it is 80 degrees outside, you aren't going to feel gross after you eat it.  

The best part?  It tastes like chicken.  And your kids will probably think it is chicken.  (Well, mine did and I told her she could call it whatever she wanted).  So, serve it with a side of barbeque sauce or ketchup and they won't notice a difference.  For a more mature element chop up some bell peppers or mushrooms and throw them in there (but don't expect the kids to eat those!).

This recipe is very loosely based on one I found on allrecipes.com  The only thing I actually used from the website though was how long to cook the chops. 

  • 8 thinly sliced boneless pork chops
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/4 plus 2 TBSP (tablespoon) of whole wheat flour
  • 1/8 plus 1 TBSP of corn meal
  • 1/2 TS (teaspoon) of sea salt
  • 1 TS of paprika
  • 1/2 TS of onion powder
  • 2-3 cloves of minced garlic
  • 1/8-1/4 olive oil
  • 1 bell pepper (optional)


1.   In a large skillet heat up olive oil and minced garlic on a medium high heat.  

2.  While the skillet is heating up mix the flour, corn meal, sea salt, paprika, and onion powder in a bowl.

3.  Wisk the eggs in a separate bowl.

4.  Once the garlic begins to sizzle dredge the pork loin in the eggs on both sides and coat in flour mixture on both sides.  

5.  Put in skillet.  

**Tip**It's okay if all of your chops do not fit in your skillet.  I personally cooked about five and then we ate dinner.  After dinner was over I cleaned the skillet (I didn't want the leftover crumbs and oil in it to burn) and added a little more oil and fried up the last three.  

6.  Set timer for four minutes.  Once timer goes off, the chops should be slightly browned.  Flip and throw in bell peppers (or whatever other vegetable you decide to add).  Cover and set timer for another 4 minutes.  

7.  Both sides should be brown and the middle should be white (it's okay per the experts if it is slightly pink).  If you think it needs a few more minutes turn down the heat and let sit for another few minutes. 

8.  Enjoy!


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