Paprika Chicken
This isn't a new recipe to me, but it is too delicious and simple for a chicken recipe not to share my interstitial cystitis friendly version. The original recipe, which I have been told is divine, came from The Shiksa in the Kitchen blog. However, I can't have smoked paprika and never follow anyone's directions word for word, so I made a few slight alterations. The worst part is cutting the raw chicken in half (my remix of the recipe), but after that it gets much better...especially when you let your 2 1/2 year old assist in it's preparation. Now before you bring up the obvious objections: What about salmonella? Should you really give your child a meat tenderizer? The answers are: Eh, don't worry about it (okay, maybe just a little bit) and what child doesn't love playing with a metal hammer (supervised of course). One of my favorite memories as a child was hanging out with my mom in the kitchen while she made dinner. A...