
Showing posts from December, 2013

Ginger Sweet Potato and Coconut Milk Soup

Soup, SOUP, soup.  If you are like me and have a chronic medical condition that requires you to be on a restricted diet (like interstitial cystitis , aka IC), this is the WORST time of year for you.  It is cold outside and all you want is a bowl of nice, warm soup.  You are at the mall doing your Christmas shopping and you get hungry.  You decide to make a trip to your local Panera.  Standing inside, you ask yourself what sounds good.  Soup .  Soup sounds good, but you sigh.  You can't have their soup.  Because it has onions, because it has pepper, because every body seems to think it is necessary to put tomatoes in their soup.  Or what about the infamous "spices", which could be any spice fr om cayenne pepper to basil.  Why, oh why, can't they just list out what spices they are using?  You want to cry, but you realize, it is just a bowl of soup, so in my case you go down to the Subway to get a $5.00 footlong because all y...

Hamburger and Zucchini Quinoa Cheesy Bake

Zucchini is something I would love to be a big fan of.  I always pick some up when I am at Aldi.  However, it seems that every time I buy it there is a lovely place at the bottom of my crisping drawer that it sinks down to never to return again...until it becomes inedible.  Aldi sells it's zucchini in a three pack at ridiculously low prices.  At first I thought the three pack was extremely convenient so that vegetable didn't roll around and get lost in refrigerator nothingness, but I soon discovered that keeping it in the sealed container from the store seemed to make the produce get slimy sooner.  And there is nothing worse than slimy vegetables.  You may ask why didn't I use my zucchini?  The answer is quite simple:  I didn't know how to cook it.  Every time I took a gander at making cooked zucchini edible, it turned into a gross, slithering mess.  One time I tried to pass it off as fries, but my clever 2 1/2 year old daughter di...

Has IC, Is 32 and Pregnant

Hi Baby This blog will go into some medical details about interstitial cystitis and pregnancy.  If you don't like TMI or are a little squeamish I want to give you fair warning.    Last time I got knocked up it took a whopping 2 and a half years.  We were actually one week from starting our adoption classes with the state of Kentucky when we got that lovely plus sign (or in our case with our Dollar Store pregnancy test two lines).  My husband and I knew that we were going to have another child at some point, however we did not realize how challenging our spirited little girl would be that we would want to wait so long before we tried for numero dos. When we finally got to a point where we could see a second little DoroJohn (that's our celebrity name) in our future we never thought in a million years that it would take a mere 2 months.  I had been prepared for the long haul.  You can imagine how surprised I was when I got that positive pregnan...