A Bittersweet New Year's Eve

Both doors of the world Stand Open Opened to you at twilight We hear the doors slamming and slamming And we hear what can't be known And we hear what's green in your always Paul Celan New Years Eve has been set aside as a time to reflect on the year that is passing and resolve to make the next year better. Every year, at 11:50 (in their respective time zones), the world counts down to 12:00, while in New York a bedazzled disco ball drops from Times Square in New York. When the clock strikes midnight, you kiss your significant other and sing "Auld Lang Syne" with 100 of your closest friends while clutching a glass of champagne in your hand. The New Year has begun. Instagram, Twitter and Facebook is instantly filled with pictures of parties, quiet celebrations and greetings of "Happy New Year." Last New Year's Eve I greeted the New Year in a hospital bed. Just a few minutes before midnight, at 18 weeks pregnant, I gave birth to my ...