Getting My Mojo Back: Recovery After a Miscarriage
This blog was written on Wednesday, January 22, 2014 Three weeks ago, on New Year's Eve, I was at the doctor's office finding out that I had lost my baby girl, Ezraela Eaven. I wrote about it in my blog and in closing I said, " I know from past experiences that his mercies are new every morning. It’s not morning yet. And I’m not even sure when it will be morning. Probably not for a long time." The days that have stretched on since then have been difficult. And when I say difficult it is probably an understatement. I'm not sure there is a word in the English language that capture the anguish I have felt. They have been harder than when my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2006 and when my grandma (her mom, who I was very close to) died while she was undergoing chemo. They have been more agonizing than when I was diagnosed with interstitial cystitis in 2007 and the dramatic life change that has followed. I am not...