To tomato or not tomato? That is the question.
To tomato or not to tomato? That is the question. The answer, if you have interstitial cystitis (aka I.C.), would be "not to tomato". I.C. is a painful bladder syndrome that requires those who are affected by it (like moi) to avoid acidic foods. Numero uno on the foods to avoid list is tomatoes (Among many other things. Check out the I.C. diet cheat sheet for more information. Keep in mind that every is affected differently by different foods). You say to yourself, "What? No tomatoes? You've got to be crazy!" And trust me, my friends, this isn't a "no I don't like tomatoes" issue, this is a "if you eat tomatoes you will regret it and may end up in the ER issue". I kid you not. Needless to say, it can be very challenging to prepare a tasty meal for someone who has I.C., but it can be done. I was diagnosed with I.C. over five years ago and over these years I have developed some I.C. friendly rec...