A Day In the Life of An IC (Interstitial Cystitis) Patient
I get a lot of questions about interstitial cystitis . I get them from people who are curious about the condition, people who know someone with it and people who have recently been diagnosed with it. I get them from people who think they may have it. Some people may wonder why on earth someone would post such personal things about this medical condition. It's not so people will feel sorry for me or think of me as a "sick" person. And it's definitely not to make people feel uncomfortable. It's to create an awareness about the condition and help people who do have it to know they are not alone, but also to help people who may have it but they haven't been diagnosed yet. It seems really weird, but after six years talking about my bladder to people it doesn't embarrass me or make me feel like an old woman. It is just part of my story. And this is the story (or at least one day of it), that I am sharing with you. My day usually st...