A Reflection: Perspective From a White Girl who Grew Up in Ferguson, MO
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Acrylic on Canvas by Dorothy Inman |
But what really happened? I don't know. There has been a lot of evidence floating around the internet. But does any of this tell the whole story? I don't know. So, I have been hesitant to say that one side or another was in the right. All I can to is trust the FBI, trust Eric Holder and trust mostly in God that justice will be served*. Whether it is justice for Mike Brown or justice for Darren Wilson, I pray that it will happen. I pray that the truth is told by everyone involved and that peace and change will flow as a result.
So, I'm not going to spend my blog giving a litany of facts and evidence that proves one over the other. At this point based on what I have seen on Facebook and the internet, I do not think this is a fruitful discussion within a blog**. Chances are I would come across as preferring one over the other and that is not my reason for this blog (although some readers may say I have already done this, but I would encourage you to read on).
What is my reason for this blog?
Well, first of all I want to tell you that the first 22 years of my life I lived in Ferguson, MO on the same street, in the same house. My parents, now, after 40 years of marriage still live in Ferguson, MO. 11 1/2 years ago I moved away to Louisville, but have made quite a few trips back to my home town.
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My Childhood Best Friend (who's parents also still live in Ferguson) |
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Paintings I Displayed for Cultural/Diversity Day While I was Working at Humana |
I'm not telling you all of this to toot my own horn. I'm telling you all of this because this is what my parents taught me. This is what Ferguson, MO taught me.
As I previously mentioned, my parents still live in Ferguson when so many chose to move to the West (documented as white flight). Currently in Ferguson, my parents are the minority. According to the 2010 census there are 67.4% African Americans and 29.3% Caucasians residing in Ferguson. If there is one thing my parents will tell you it is that they love this community. They love walking down the street and seeing diverse people. My mom loves her job at the community college where she gets to interact with the students that are from different backgrounds. They believe that God has called them to stay there, when many of their white friends have left. They attend the City Walk Concerts and go to the Farmer's Market. They have been a part of groups with both white and African American churches from the area who discuss how to make race issues better in Ferguson. They have led cycling tours through Ferguson and volunteer to help with city races. They love Ferguson.
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Childhood Friends and I at the Ferguson Brewing Company |
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High School Friend that I've Recently Reconnected With |
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My Sweet Girl Enjoying The Hands on Sculpture at the Jeske Sculpture Park |
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My Daughter and I at the Jeske Sculpture Park |
But the truth is that racism is still something that plagues our churches and plagues our society. I have learned this from close friends who have recounted stories to me of not only what their parents have went through, but what they have went through being an African American person.
So, we need to pray for peace and pray for change, not only in Ferguson, but in America and in the world. I have read so many times that what happened in Ferguson could happen in any city of the United States. The sad thing is, what happened in Ferguson has happened in many other cities in America, but the press weren't there and no one noticed (except those immediately affected). However, as a result of the recent events I believe with much prayer and discussion and action, peace and change can happen.
And I guess I may be naive. It may seem like a pipe dream that will never take place. But I think my God is bigger than that. In fact, He's already said that one day this will happen, because he loves the nations and his son died for the nations.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
It is too small a thing for you to be my servant to restore the tribes
of Jacob
and bring back those of Israel I have kept. I will also make
you a light for the Gentiles,
that my salvation may reach to the ends of
the earth.
Isaiah 49:6
Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down
the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river
stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its
fruit every month.
And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the
Revelation 22:1-2
After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no
one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing
before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes
and were holding palm branches in their hands.
Revelation 7:9
Jesus was called to be a light to the Gentiles. The Gentiles were everyone who was not Jewish (who were God's chosen people). Salvation was going to be brought to the Gentiles. That means everyone who isn't Jewish. Everyone.
God will bring healing to the nations. The nations are everyone of every tribe, every skin color, every tongue.
And the people who will worship at the foot of the throne of the Lamb will be people from every tribe, every tongue, everyone from all different nationalities. All different backgrounds. All different skin colors. Everyone.
Our job as Christ followers is to begin to set the world right, by bringing in peace and justice into it.
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Acrylic on Canvas by Dorothy Inman |
Christians, it is our job to pray. Pray for the Brown family. Pray for the Wilson family. Even if you think one or the other is the enemy, Jesus called us to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. He called us to love our neighbor as ourselves. Pray for the leaders in Ferguson, pray for the residents in Ferguson, pray for the churches, pray for the government officials involved. All of the people who I have mentioned above are our neighbor (remember the story of the Good Samaritan? Luke 10:25-37). And pray for healing across the United States.
And Christians, it is our job to love. I am not talking about making people our "projects", but I am talking about showing the love of Christ to everyone we meet. This may be in the form of getting to know your neighbor who has a ethnicity that is different from yours. This may be in the form of speaking your heart to a friend who is the same color as you are who makes racist remarks. This may be in getting out of your bubble and exposing your children to people who aren't just like them.
And Christians, it is our job to be light in the darkness. If we are not a light, who will be? If we are not the light, then everyone will just walk around, running into each other. We must be a light.
I am going to close with a prayer that my husband wrote to say in church in response to what has been happening in Ferguson.
In your ministry on earth you looked on the poor
and said the kingdom of God belongs to these
The most faith you've ever seen
came from one of the empire's law enforcement
In your last moments you granted
paradise to a thief
You taught us to give to those in need
To carry the load of abusive cops
To visit those in prison
Your cousin John, told those with two tunics
to share with those who have none
Leaving us both with one
He told the soldiers not to threaten and accuse falsely
But we prefer more analysis, more information
and being right to the ways that make for peace
We chose Barabbas and the occasional riot
over you and your way
because your way is hard
But your way is the only path through
death into life
Grant us your Spirit
so that we might not settle for I-told-you-sos
*Note: There is an interesting article
indicating the fact that a lot of people have already determined who is
guilty in this case is because of a "confirmation bias". "Such strong
opinions can often be
influenced by 'confirmation bias,' psychologists say. A large body of
research shows that people search for evidence to support their
preexisting viewpoints - and then interpret that information in a way
that reinforces their beliefs. 'It's the tendency to seek out and
give greater weight to information that confirms what we think rather
than contradicts it,' said Scott Plous, a psychology professor at
Wesleyan University in Connecticut." This is something that we all do
and we probably don't even realize it.
**Note: I do believe that people have a right to protest about what happened to Mike Brown. I do believe that they have the right to be upset and angry about what happened. One of my African American friends told me that everyone protesting were not necessarily convinced that Mike Brown was innocent, but they are angry because this has happened too often. The right to peacefully protest is a right that we have as Americans and it is not our right to take that away. Imagine if the tables were turned (see how Mike Bell took action after his white son was shot by the police. If they were, you might feel the same way. And honestly, we should all be a little angry. It's 2014 and we are still having issues with race relations. It's sad really. I wrote a blog about this about a year and a half ago titled, "We have come so far, but not far enough
The people in St. Louis aren't just protesting, they are having conversations about race relations. They are showing up en masse at the local restaurants and businesses to support the community. They are organizing and cleaning up the streets. There are good people that are doing good things there. You haven't heard about this on the news though. I only know about it because of what people have posted on Facebook (I am so proud of my graduating class that is trying to find ways to volunteer at some of the shelters in the Ferguson/Florissant area) and because my parents live there.
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